So on to the story of the battle. On the French left, things unfolded pretty much as expected. The forward Austrian battalions went into square at the first sight of the French cavalry. The French, with their advantage in artillery, proceeded to pound the Austrian squares. Progress is slow, however, and the French may have to risk a charge before the squares are thoroughly reduced. Then there is that second line of Austrian defense which will also have to be taken out. If one Austrian infantry brigade winds up holding off two brigades of French cavalry, it will be a major victory for the Austrians.
Hoo, man. This is where the battlefield gets messy. The French line is split by a river. One French Brigade is left on one bank of the river, facing a skeleton force of Austrian infantry, while the other brigade got hammered by a few fierce volleys from the Austrian jaegers. The Austrians, sensing weakness, launched their forward line in a charge. The French held on better than expected, bloodying some of those distinctive Hapsburg noses, but they are not likely to last another turn. The French are frantically trying to wheel their assault column into position for a counterattack, but if they do not win initiative next turn, they might get smacked in teh flank. Even if they do smash through the remnants of the Austrian charge, they will have to face off against an equal number of landwehr and a regiment of hussars.
(Man this is way more exciting than I thought)
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