Monday, February 4, 2013

One house does not a village make, but it's a start

Based on some helpful advice I got on TMP, I chose to develop my pirate town with a Spanish colonial feel.  When it is done, the town will have an adobe church, a governor's mansion, a cantina, a Vauban fortress, a few houses, and some sheds.  I thought I would start small by building a prototype house.  

It could not have been easier.  I cut some foamcore for the walls and some matte board for the roofs.  The "tiles" are painted and drybrushed corduroy glued to the roof boards.  I applied epoxy grout to the walls to simulate stucco.  Some brown paint mixed in and a final drybrushing with white provided color.  Them some balsa beams and painted cardstock shutters, and voila!

Total time: about 2 hours.  Total cost: about $3 in materials.  Not bad, says I.


1 comment:

Furt said...

Nice effort - some great piracy going on here!!
